

How to Create a Survey

You can either create a survey from scratch, copy/clone existing survey or create survey using our survey templates.

To create a survey from scratch, please follow the steps below.

Step 1 : From page header, Click on "My Surveys" tab

From page header, Click on My Surveys tab
Step 2 : Click on "Create New Survey"

Click on Create New Survey
Step 3 : Complete the survey details

Complete the survey details

1. Give your survey a title (mandatory)

Best practices for crafting a compelling survey title: 

  • Keep the survey title concise and to the point. Aim for brevity while conveying the essential information about the survey.
  • Use action verbs or words that evoke interest and encourage participation. For example, "Share Your Feedback" or "Take Our Survey" can motivate respondents to engage with the survey.
  • Highlight Benefits or Incentives (if applicable): If the survey offers benefits or incentives for participation, such as a chance to win a prize or contribute to improving products/services, consider mentioning them in the title to attract respondents' attention.
  • Make it Engaging: Use language that is engaging and appealing to the target audience. Consider using questions, statements, or phrases that pique curiosity or create interest.
  • Be Specific and Relevant: Ensure that the survey title accurately reflects the specific purpose, focus, or audience of the survey. Tailor the title to resonate with the interests and concerns of the intended respondents.
  • Include Key Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords or terms that potential respondents are likely to search for when looking for surveys on the topic. This can improve the survey's visibility in search results.

2. Write a Welcome and Closing messages (optional)

Survey welcome and closing messages are important components of the survey experience that bookend the survey process. These messages serve different purposes and are crafted to engage respondents effectively at the beginning and end of the survey.

3. Choose your survey theme and the language alignment. Also you can show your company logo at the survey header

Survey theme helps maintain brand consistency by incorporating colors, logos, and design elements that align with the organization's branding guidelines. Consistency in branding enhances recognition and reinforces the organization's identity.

4.You can upload additional survey logo and banner (optional)

Step 4 : Click "Next" button to proceed with creating the survey

Click Next button to proceed with creating the survey
You will be redirected to survey builder page. From there you can start adding your survey questions.

Create Survey Now