

Create a Slider Scale Question

A Slider Scale Question is a type of survey question that utilizes a slider control to allow respondents to rate or evaluate an item, attribute, or statement along a continuous scale. This question format presents respondents with a visual slider control, typically in the form of a draggable handle or knob, which they can adjust along a linear or nonlinear scale according to their opinion or perception.

Create a Slider Scale Question
Step 1 : From the survey builder, select Slider Scale question

Step 2 : Enter the question details and options

Enter the question details and options
  • Enter the question text - Select whether the answer is required or optional 
  •  You can add "Comment" box (Optional). Comment box is a text entry field allows respondents to provide additional comments, explanations, or elaborations related to their answer. 
  •  You can write your own validation messages (Optional)
Step 3 : Enter Slider Minimum, Maximum and Step values

Enter Slider Minimum, Maximum and Step values
Step 4 : Check "Enable Range Slider" if you like respondents to select range of values (From - To)

Check Enable Range Slider if you like respondents to select range of values (From - To)
Step 5 : Click "Save" button

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