

Create an Image Question

An Image Question is a type of survey question that presents respondents with a set of images and asks them to make a selection or indicate their preference based on visual stimuli. This question format is commonly used in surveys and assessments to gather feedback, opinions, or preferences related to visual content.

Create an Image Question
Step 1 : From the survey builder, select Image question

Step 2 : Enter the question details and options

Enter the question details and options
  • Enter the question text 
  •  Select whether the answer is required or optional 
  •  You can add "Comment" box (Optional). Comment box is a text entry field allows respondents to provide additional comments, explanations, or elaborations related to their answer. 
  •  You can write your own validation messages (Optional)
Step 3 : Click (+) icon to add a new image choice below it

Click (+) icon to add a new image choice below it
- Enter Image Label - Upload Image file
To delete an image choice, click on delete icon next to it

To delete an image choice, click on delete icon next to it
To hide an image choice, click on hide icon next to it

To hide an image choice, click on hide icon next to it
Step 4 : Click "Save" button

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